Monday, January 26, 2015

American Sniper: Hollywood and Our Homeland Insecurity Complex

Click here to access article by Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire.

There are a number of reviews of this latest, much ballyhooed film (American Sniper), but none that I've read come close to the quality of this study of the film in many contexts: film art, war propaganda in service to the Empire, CIA and military participation, comparisons with earlier war films, and some information regarding the "sniper's" actual life in contrast to the film version.

After reading the review, it's clear to me that the film fits perfectly with the needs of the Empire directors to keep the hoi polloi supporting their military adventures all over the globe. As such it appears to be a masterpiece of war propaganda designed most especially for the American audience. It is also another illustration of how entertainment is used by the ruling capitalist class along with popular media and education to promote their power and wealth agendas throughout the world. 
It is central to both the Pentagon and the CIA missions, to make absolutely certain that when military blockbuster films hit cinemas they convey the correct message, in the context of what is going on around the world and within the country at that particular time. It’s expected that after this film, the amount of recruitment applications for military sniper positions will skyrocket. .... All the signs are pointing to the inevitability of US troops returning to the Middle East combat theater, either in Iraq, Yemen, or along a new NATO-sanctioned ‘No-Fly’ buffer zone along the Turkey-Syria border. As we speak, media war messaging is centered around ISIS, and that Washington ‘may be forced to send our boys back there.’ To do this, they will need more men, and also more snipers, and more Chris Kyles.