Friday, January 9, 2015

Federal Government Releases Environmental Activist Eric McDavid From Prison

Click here to access article from Civil Liberties Defense Center

This report is an excellent followup illustration of an article I posted recently of the aggressive policies of the ruling class enforcement agencies against environmental activists here in the Northwest. In this report there is substantial evidence to indicate that Eric McDavid was a victim of FBI entrapment used to discredit all environmental activists. 
“Since 9-11, the United States government has mercilessly entrapped people, destroying their lives just to make political examples of them, especially in Muslim communities,” said Jenny Esquivel, Eric McDavid’s partner and an organizer with his support committee. “The government has targeted leftists and anarchists with similar fervor. This, like so many other alleged conspiracies the public hears about, are FBI inventions from the start,” Esquivel said.
We have seen numerous instances of FBI/police involvement with entrapments of Muslims and political activists in the US in order to arouse public sentiment against all Muslims and political activists in general.