Saturday, January 31, 2015

Half of Humanity Now Forms the ‘Resistance’

Click here to access article by Andre Vltchek from CounterPunch. 

Vltchek like Pepe Escobar seems to be everywhere in the world. We now find him in Kashmir reporting on the resistance there facing the violence of Indian government troops. While local Indians seem a bit depressed over their situation, Vltchek attempts to boost their morale, and ours, with inspirational messages like those contained in this article. I think he sometimes overstates his inspiration; but it is certainly needed by people in the front-lines who are waging this daily battle against forces of the fascist Empire, and often by people like us behind the lines who are also engaged, although with less risk to our lives and limbs, in this daily struggle. 

Vltchek frequent reporting on the resistance occurring in various parts of the world is by itself very inspiring.
During that dark night, several men and women were gathered in a cramped room, asking me one simple and essential question: “Could the brutality of the Empire be prevented, and if not prevented, could it be stopped?”

I replied that “Yes!” And “Yes!” again.

Because no matter how dark the night appears to be, no matter how hopeless the struggles seems to be, the world had changed in the last several years; and it had changed profoundly.