Monday, January 26, 2015

International Press Gets Briefly Excited about Coup Prospects in Venezuela

Click here to access article by Joe Emersberger from TeleSur.

In a survey of the "international press" Emersberger sees a lot of excitement about another coup attempt. Of course, what he means by the "international press" is media from NATO countries, which is to say those countries under the control of the Empire. 
Ever since the 2002 coup in Venezuela was defeated, the international corporate press has generally ignored it, downplayed its significance, or accused the government of using it as a “distraction” and as a way to smear opponents. However, the recent plunge in oil prices – and absurd predictions that Venezuela could be forced into defaulting on its foreign bonds - clearly had many foreign journalists excited about the prospects of a coup while President Nicolas Maduro was out of the country.
However, is his concluding paragraph he argues that the situation is very different than it was in 2002 when the right-wing opposition controlled most of Venezuelan's media and was instrumental in bring off the temporary coup.