Monday, January 12, 2015

‘JE SUIS HYPOCRITE’: Enemies of Press Freedom Hijack ‘Charlie’ in Paris

Click here to access article by Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire.
The million-strong crowds were impressive, as were the variety of people who made it out to the event. Unfortunately, our televisions, newspapers and websites were more interested in plastering the eerily contrived image of our 50 ‘world leaders’, with arms locked “in an act solidarity”, in support of “the fallen” at French political cartoon magazine Charlie Hebdo.
What was designed as a globally-syndicated #kumbaya moment, instead gave off the distinct odeur of shameless political opportunism, in what can only be described as the world’s biggest-ever photo-junket for what can only be described as some of the world’s most unpopular leaders decked-out in $5,000 suits, camel hair overcoats and hipster glasses.

The only real consolation was that Tony Blair didn’t invite himself to this one…
Also, I recommend this article by Michael S. Rozeff entitled "Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders".