Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Paris Shootings: Maybe the Last Piece of a Horrible Puzzle

Click here to access article by Henry Kamens from New Eastern Outlook.

Kamens is referring to the puzzle of many mysterious, unconvincing assassinations and "terrorist" events in the past 50 plus years some of which he reviews and finds similar elements appearing in the Paris shootings. 
The United States has spent several years installing a bunch of Moslems, initially Chechens but now also from other countries, in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia. It trains them there in irregular warfare and forms them into a mobile “hit squad” which commits “terrorist atrocities” in different parts of the world when it suits US interests to intervene in those countries.

These atrocities are then blamed on “Islamic fundamentalists”, but are actually committed by these US-sponsored individuals, selected and trained for the purpose, who are not native to those countries but are sent to each place as needed.