Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B and the Paris Shooting

Click here if you wish to access the original posting on the Corbett Report. I particularly recommend the first 32:07m of the interview.

I'm sure observers of alternative media will be shocked by Edmond's commentary about a recent report in the NY Times regarding an incident in Xinjiang, China (sarcasm). This courageous FBI whistleblower has covered the Empire's creation of subversive terrorist projects identified by her as "Gladio B" in this and other regions two years ago in the excellent Gladio B series with James Corbett, so she was ready to offer her insights on what is really happening there in this latest incident.
Oil routes and pipelines actual & planned
(Here are some maps that you might find useful when listening to the first part of Edmond's interview.)

Related to this, I found another article posted on MintPress News entitled "ISIS Member Claims The U.S. Has Secretly Been Funding Their Operations" which was most interesting.

Below is a list of other topics covered in the rest of the 32:07m segment of the interview that may interest you.

 -Antiterror raids suggest Belgium  has become centre for extremists

 -Turkey mafia paid to smuggle Paris suspect into Syria: Sources

 -Information on Democracy Now! funding

-BFP Exposé: CIA-Obama-George Soros Coordinated Misinformation Campaign with Democracy Now!