Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Congressman Blasts CDC for Incestuous Relationship with Vaccine Makers

Click here to access article by Christof Lehmann from nsnbc. 

The revolving door between the government's watchdog agency on vaccinations, Center for Disease Control, and major pharmaceutical corporations is having a major impact on the public's trust of vaccinations. 

Lehmann also reports:
nsnbc noted a clear attempt to derail genuine dialog in comments to articles pertaining vaccine safety issues. Within a 12 months period from February 2013 to March 2014, nsnbc registered more than 30 different “commentators with different names, who together attempted to post more than 500 comments, posted from only two different IP addresses in Australia and the USA, with one of them leading directly to a pharma sponsored pro-vaccine website.

The core strategies used are ad hominem attacks, attempts to discredit, strawman attacks, and, remarkably, also outlandish anti-vaccine claims and attempt to distract the call for transparency by posing as an “obviously” irresponsible parent or by asking for medical advise so as to detract from debates about oversight, transparency and vaccine safety issues.