Friday, February 13, 2015

Obama administration seeks blank check for perpetual war

Click here to access article by Joseph Kishore from The Greanville Post. 
In an attempt to delude the American public, which is overwhelmingly opposed to war, that the new operations are to be limited in scope, the authorization states that it does not provide for “enduring offensive ground combat operations.” Again, the wording is formulated so as to allow virtually any type of military action. There is no definition of “enduring” or “offensive.”

Extended combat operations in Iraq, Syria or another country could be justified on the grounds that they were “defensive” or not “enduring.”

And of course there is widespread skepticism among Arabs about who the Americans will really target as reflected in this cartoon carried at a Muslim website in the Middle East.

Meanwhile back at the Empire's Afghanistan ranch, the war doesn't seem to be over according to this analyst in an article entitled "Military Just Can’t Kick Its Afghanistan Habit, Picks Up Pace of Night Raids".
The US military’s addiction to war in Afghanistan is now in its fourteenth year. Such a long addiction can’t just be ended in a weekend of going cold turkey. Much of the effort to end the war has been cosmetic and semantic. Although troop levels are now down dramatically from the peak of Obama’s surge, Obama’s tactic at the end of 2014 was to declare the war “over” while at the same time signing a secret order allowing for expanded activities by those troops remaining in the country.

The military has joined in Obama’s gamesmanship, taking as much of the war effort behind curtains of secrecy as it possibly can.