Thursday, February 12, 2015

Saudi’s new king of terror

Click here to access article by Nafeez Ahmed from Middle East Eye. 

Despite the abundance of evidence uncovered by independent journalist regarding this medieval kingdom's role in sponsoring various terrorist armies and their numerous fingerprints all over 9/11, US authorities have always resisted any attempts to investigate the evidence to the extent that they have actually blocked such attempts. This again is evident in the article as well as the extraordinary support by Empire directors in support of the new Saudi rulers. Yet, Ahmed, like many other investigative journalists, seems to go out of his way to avoid the implications of the abundant evidence indicating Saudi sponsorship of terrorism that serves the interests of the Empire, especially its Zionist wing, with weak statements like this:
Ongoing efforts by Western leaders to cozy-up with King Salman, despite the extensive evidence of militant financing by he and other senior members of the royal family, raise urgent questions about how serious our governments really are about fighting terror.
One exception to this generalization about investigative journalists is the Brazilian Pepe Escobar who does not mince words when refers to the US Empire as the Empire of Chaos. But then we must make allowances for journalists who write in media located in the Empire. They obviously must tread carefully on these powerful "evil doers".