Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Logic of the Imperial Security State

Click here to access article by Luciana Bohne from CounterPunch.

Bohne sees through Empire propaganda with her laser vision to reveal "the logic of the imperial security state". Referring to the architects of the Empire of Chaos, she writes:
They may be megalomaniacs, but they have a plan for precisely disorder, no less a plan than to subdue the world to its economic will militarily. America is slipping from its rank as the #1 economy in the world, a record held since the 1870s. History instructs that it is impossible to maintain a global empire without economic primacy. The American empire has its back to the wall, but it still has military supremacy, after the exit of its main challenger, the USSR, the greatest tragedy to relative peace in the world of our era. The world really did change on 11 September 2001.
And she continues on to explain how "terrorist" incidents (think 9/11, Boston Bombing, Oklahoma City bombing, etc.), "terrorist" armies and the "national security state" fit neatly into this imperial plan.