Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Europe-U.S. Divorce Over Ukraine

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama.
The U.S., the empire of chaos, does not care what happens after a regime change. In the view of U.S. politicians trouble and unrest in the "rest of the world" can only better the (relative) position of the United States. If production capabilities in Europe get destroyed through war the U.S. could revive its export industries.

It seems that at least some European leaders now understand that they got played by Washington and they are pushing back. A Eurasian economic sphere is in Europe's interest.
Unfortunately, this blogger always attributes far too much agency to Obama. Obama is merely a black face that takes orders from his handlers, people hired by the ruling class to insure that he follows their script. The capitalist directors of the ruling class hired him to create the appearance of a non-racist society. Most presidents have served this public relations function since the assassination of John Kennedy who refused to take orders from the "shadow government".