Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Another US “Success Story”: The Creation and Abandonment of Kosovo

Click here to access article by Thomas S. Harrington from Common Dreams. 
16 years after the 1998-99 War,  impoverished Kosovo still lacks basic water, electricity and waste management.
Referring to the US creation of Kosovo, Harrington writes:
...it was part of the US plan to make sure that the then newly unshackled countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe would essentially be beholden to it, and not their EU neighbors.

Once this dependence was established, as it was in Kosovo, Bulgaria, Poland (which did not need much coaxing) and the Baltic Republics, the US could, as Rumsfeld famously let slip in 2003, play the new Europe off against the old Europe and, in this way, neuter any ability the Old Continent might have to act as a check upon US prerogatives.

The program has worked like a charm. How do we know?