Friday, March 20, 2015

Climate Justice and Degrowth: a tale of two movements

Click here to access article by Tadzio Müller from degrowth (Germany).
In the run-up to last year’s United Nations Climate Conference in Lima, Peru, a particular headline kept popping up, an attempt to once again establish a particular meme in the mind of global elites as well as wider populations: friends, the line goes, you’re right to worry about climate change, but...what you really, really shouldn’t do, is start believing that worrying about climate change should make you worry about trying to end economic growth’. Economic growth, so the story goes once again, can in fact be made to work very nicely with climate protection, if only it’s done the right way.
Müller examines the differences between the two movements and then finds a common path that both can merge on that can effectively fight the above position of capitalist elites.