Monday, March 2, 2015

Crunch Time for the Global Corporatocracy

Click here to access article by Don Quijones from Wolf Street.

This blogger sheds more light on another scheme that the capitalists are using to bypass any restrictions posed by nations on access to their wealth--the so-called "free-trade" agreements. Again, we see how they are using secrecy to keep the hoi polloi from finding out what they are doing.  
...the only way for the uninitiated to learn about some – but far from all – of the potential repercussions of today’s trade agreements is through leaked documents. The current negotiations for a US-EU trade deal (TTIP) are so clandestine that the few Members of the European Parliament that are granted access can only view the plans in their original documentation, in a secure location, with the threat of espionage charges hanging over them if they are caught making copies or sharing the details with the public.