Saturday, March 28, 2015

Four years of Syrian resistance to imperialist takeover

Click here to access article by Sara Flounders and Lamont Lilly from Workers World.
A delegation from the International Action Center headed by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark traveled to Syria in late February to present a different message.

Visits to hospitals, centers for displaced families and meetings with religious leaders, community organizations and government officials conveyed the IAC’s determination to resist the orchestrated efforts of U.S. imperialism acting through its proxies in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Israel.
In addition to former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the delegation included:
...Cynthia McKinney, former six-term member of the U.S Congress; [co-author of the report] Lamont Lilly, of the youth organization FIST – Fight Imperialism, Stand Together; Eva Bartlett, from the Syrian Solidarity Movement; and [co-author of the report] Sara Flounders, IAC [International Action Center] co-director. 
Eva Bartlett also authored a lengthier report entitled "excerpts from US delegation visit to Syria, Feb 2015" posted in In Gaza.

(Note: According to Paul Craig Roberts, McKinney is a former Congresswoman because of opposition by the powerful Israeli lobby.)