Saturday, March 14, 2015

How agriculture grew on us

Click here to access article by "leavergirl" (Vera Bradova) from her blog Leaving Babylon.

The author takes us back to earlier geologic time periods in an attempt to understand the origins of some of the important problems that we face in today's civilization.
Human beings of the race that calls itself Homo sapiens lived in relative equality, in small foraging bands all its existence from the time they emerged about 200,000 years ago. Then, around 30,000 years ago, during a bit more clement time within the last ice age, glimmerings of inequality arose at sites known in Europe — in places that were unusually plentiful in game.
Also along the same lines of thought, she posts (in the comments section) a fascinating video (YouTube) entitled "Lord Man Parable" which is a story used to illustrate how humans began to see themselves as separate from the nature of our planet and started having delusions about having dominion over this nature.