Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Islamic State is the cancer of modern capitalism

Click here to access article by Nafeez Ahmed from Middle East Eye. 

This independent, crowd-funded journalist covers a lot of ground while gathering documented evidence to support his argument that IS (or ISIS) is the cancer of modern capitalism.
The continual input of vast quantities of money to Islamist extremist networks, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of material resources that no one has yet been able to quantify in its totality - coordinated by the same nexus of Western and Muslim governments - has over the last half century had a deeply destabilising impact. IS is the surreal, post-modern culmination of this sordid history.

The West’s anti-IS coalition in the Muslim world consists of repressive regimes whose domestic policies have widened inequalities, crushed legitimate dissent, tortured peaceful political activists, and stoked deep-seated resentments. They are the same allies that have, and are continuing to fund IS, with the knowledge of Western intelligence agencies.