Thursday, March 19, 2015

Minsk Peace Deal for Ukraine is Falling Apart

Click here to access article by Alexander Mercouris from Russia Insider.
Its final collapse and the resumption of the war is probably some weeks away.  Both sides will want to use the spring and early summer to reorganise and refit their forces before fighting resumes in earnest.  At that point however the fighting will resume.  Given the balance of forces it will end with another Ukrainian defeat and another militia victory.  Ukraine's downward spiral will continue until the process ends in the only way it can with the collapse of the present government in Kiev.
With the Empire's German vassal, Angela Merkel, too weak to oppose the Empire's plans to engage Russia in a never-ending war of attrition, the resumption of the war is inevitable. Only the united opposition to the war by the people of Europe can stop it.