Thursday, March 5, 2015

Oregon's signature solar energy project built on foundation of false hopes and falsehoods

Click here to access article by Ted Sickinger & Jeff Manning from The Oregonian (Portland, OR)

Here is an excellent example of a state government wanting to do the right thing: reducing its use of fossil fuels. They soon learned of the enormous difficulties of doing the right thing within a capitalist system. The project deteriorated into a nightmare of disasters characterized by fraudulent papers, fake companies, companies feeding illegitimately at the trough of state funds, and the exploitation of cheap prison labor. 

The moral of stories like this--and they are abundant--is that nothing gets done in a capitalist system, especially something as vital as fighting climate destabilization so that generations of humans that follow us can survive, unless a tiny segment of our population known as "owners" (capitalists) can make a lot of money from it. Frequently as this report illustrates, they will find criminal shortcuts to making their fortune.
Interviews and an examination of thousands of pages of documents show that state officials wrongly awarded millions in state tax credits, turning a blind eye to phony documents. The project also was dogged by an international trade war, a bitter corporate rivalry and a stunning twist that traded high-paid Oregon jobs for prison labor at 93 cents an hour.
By the way, this tiny segment has secured total control over every institution of our society. If we are serious about preventing not only climate destabilization but nuclear wars fought between capitalist gangs whose insatiable desire for more wealth and power will destroy us all, we must find a way to destroy the system. The sociopaths who are in control of the system cannot do their dirty work without it. So, it is the system that must be destroyed, and it is for us the healthy members of society that must find a way to do it so that future generations of humans can survive. We also face the task of replacing it with something that can insure peace, and a way to live in harmony with nature.