Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Putin and Iran Do a ‘Game Changer’

Click here to access article by William Engdahl from New Eastern Outlook.

According to Mark Twain "history never repeats itself but it does rhyme".  Well, that is proving to be true of the 21st century which is a rhyme of the 20th when the capitalist empires of Britain (allied with the US) competed with Germany (allied with Japan and Italy) for world dominance. Here in the 21st century Russia, China, and other countries refuse to take orders from the US Empire. So, look forward to another century of wars--far more devastating with nuclear weapons now in existence. 

This astute geopolitical analyst reports on Russian and Iranian preparations.
The dynamics of Russian foreign policy since the USA has forced a de facto declaration of war via financial and economic sanctions against Russia is impressive to put it mildly. Whether it will suffice to break the economic siege of Washington and open the way for a genuine global economic alternative to the bankrupt US Dollar System is not yet clear. What is clear is that Vladimir Putin and the faction of industrial barons who have decided to back him are not cowering in fear.