Saturday, March 7, 2015

Stop Twisting Truth: Scientific Bodies Should Put The Record Straight On GMOs

Click here to access article by Colin Todhunter from East by Northwest
The Royal Society acts as a scientific advisor to the British government. The Society is Britain's Academy of Sciences, which funds research fellowships and scientific start-up companies. A self-governing fellowship of many of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering, and medicine, its purpose is according to its website to "recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity."
Todhunter provides an illustration of how a top scientific organization can be subverted by capitalists to support their profit machinery. This is quite astonishing given the fact that science purports to be a disciplined method of attaining truth while unlocking the mysteries of our physical world. His illustration also provides more evidence that every institution of society has been infiltrated by a tiny segment of society known as capitalists in order to serve their narrow ends (power and wealth) regardless of the consequences to the rest of humanity.

See also Todhunter's article posted Thursday entitled "Not Science, Just Lies And Propaganda: The Massive Fraud Behind GMOs Exposed".