Monday, March 9, 2015

The Relationship between Washington and ISIS: The Evidence

Click here to access article by Tim Anderson from Global Research. 
While there have been claims that the ISIS ‘caliph’ al-Baghdadi is a CIA or Mossad trained agent, these have not yet been well backed up. There are certainly grounds for suspicion, but independent evidence is important, in the context of a supposed US ‘war’ against ISIS . So what is the broader evidence on Washington’s covert links with ISIS?
Then he cites evidence that strongly suggest that ISIS is a creation of the US Empire, Saudi Arabia and GCC allies, and Israel. So, I'm not sure what the professor wants to come to the appropriate conclusion. Scientific proof?

It would have been better to have individual references linked in the main body where needed. He provides them at the end of the article. I can add one more.