Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Social Costs Of Capitalism Are Destroying Earth’s Ability To Support Life — Paul Craig Roberts

Click here to access article by Paul Craig Roberts from his blog, Institute for Political Economy.

Roberts discusses the implications of a new book entitled Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive The CO2 Crisis? by David Ray Griffin. Roberts regards the book as "a carefully researched document".
Griffin makes the point that the external cost imposed on the climate by fossil-fuel use is the source of the life-threatening crisis that humanity confronts. Capitalists make money by exploiting labor and by externalizing the costs of the wastes produced by the productive process by imposing the wastes on the environment. It is the short-term time horizon of production organized by selfish private interests focused on quarterly profits that is destroying the livability of the earth.

Almost every economist on earth will rise up in opposition to that true statement, because they are brainwashed in the neoliberal ideology that masquerades as economic science, but in fact is nothing but an apology for capitalist exploitation of labor and the earth.