Saturday, April 4, 2015

Donbass: ‘The war has not started yet’

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from RT.

It sometimes seems like this Brazilian independent journalist is everywhere at the same time. In this piece we find him in the People’s Republic of Donetsk talking to various military figures in this breakaway area of Ukraine to find out what is going on and what we can expect in the near future. It appears that more war is inevitable--only the timing remains in dispute: in a few weeks or in May or June.
Serbian fighter Dejan “Deki” Beric – a hero of the People’s Republic army, already decorated with 10 medals - fully shares the assessment of the Cossack commanders: “The real war has not started yet.”

There are 20 Serbs – all with extensive battle experience - fighting alongside the Donbass brigades. “Deki” has just returned from a secret hardcore recon mission, infiltrating enemy territory just to conclude they are bringing in fresh soldiers, bringing new technicians, and are awash with new weapons. Minsk 2 is about to the shredded to pieces.
Victoria Nuland Kagan, chief engineer of the Kiev fascist coup, seems to agree with this assessment:
Less than two weeks ago Ukrainian Prime Minister “Yats”, cherished pal of the American Queen of Nulandistan Victoria “F**k the EU”, made no mistake war is inevitable: “Our goal is to regain control of Donetsk and Lugansk.” Of course such a wide-ranging threat is possible only when you’re sure of total support from the IMF and NATO – financial and military arms from the US government. Not to mention Capitol Hill.
Meanwhile, the US is helping train the Kiev government's army and arms appear to be the next step.