Sunday, April 19, 2015

Engaging Media Spectacle

Click here to access article by Doug Kellner from Heathwood Press

Kellner describes how media uses spectacle entertainment to induce passivity among its viewers. I have a problem with this limited portrayal of media. This use of spectacle just doesn't happen by accident--it serves a ruling class interest which the author completely ignores. It serves the ruling class by inducing acceptance of a passive citizen role in society which allows the ruling class to rule.
Capitalist society separates workers from the products of their labor, art from life, and consumption from human needs and self-directing activity, as individuals passively observe the spectacles of social life from within the privacy of their homes. The situationist project by contrast involved an overcoming of all forms of separation, in which individuals would directly produce their own life and modes of self-activity and collective practice. 
Then he could have followed this up with a development of the concept of "situationist project". Apparently he does this in the book he's authored entitled Media Spectacle.