Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush: Corrupt Successors to the Same Old Dynasties

Click here to access article from WashingtonsBlog.

Oh god, another election circus to endure! 

This blogger provides us with a lot of real information on the leading capitalist candidates for president that you will find totally missing in mainstream media coverage of their campaigns. 

I think that there is one significant difference between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton: Jeb Bush is from a ruling class dynasty family which first rose to prominence under Prescott Bush, who like with many other capitalists during the 1930s was a financial supporter of German fascism, while Hillary who, as a woman is a useful fake populist puppet that the Democratic party likes to run in elections (much like Obama and Carter), will dutifully serve the directors of the Empire. 

I also recommend this article by Webster Tarpley entitled "Hillary Clinton: The International Neocon Warmonger" posted on VoltaireNet.