Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hillary Clinton Calls For ‘Toppling’ the 1%…While Being Bankrolled by the 1%

Click here to access article by Nick Bernabe from AntiMedia.

Every election year we are presented with this kind of foolishness. Politicians in this system that proclaims itself a "democracy" because they sponsor competitive elections between two or more people with the same ideology never tire of such foolishness--but this one might top all the others.
This really happened. As crazy as it sounds, Hillary Clinton is trying to repackage her war-torn reputation into a populist spitting image of progressive icon Elizabeth Warren. The New York Times reports that “Mrs. Clinton pointed at the top category and said the economy required a ‘toppling’ of the wealthiest 1 percent, according to several people who were briefed on Mrs. Clinton’s policy discussions.”