Saturday, April 11, 2015

ISIS, CIA, Saudi & Israel Connections

Click here to access the 48:39m video featuring a recent interview with Wayne Madsen via YouTube.

I've run out of time to listen to the entire interview, but I am posting this anyway because I have considerable confidence in Madsen's integrity and his observations about political events.
ISIS, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the connections between the CIA and Israel with the so-called enemies of America are exposed in an uncensored interview with Wayne Madsen. The former NSA worker, turned whistleblower and muckraker discusses the kabal of conspiracy that includes the Saudis, key figures in the US government, and stretches from the Bilderbergs to Rhodes Scholars in a web of influence that has spun country after country into turmoil. Are ISIS fighters just misguided and gullible proxy mercenaries for the Saudis? Was 9/11 another black op in a long line that has been the norm since WWII with the British government? Learn of the far reaching conspiracy in this Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone.
I am posting the YouTube website because it offers much detail about the interview under the "show more" section.