Monday, April 13, 2015

Lifestyle Changes (Like Going Vegan) Won’t End Capitalism

Click here to access article by Mickey Z. from World News Trust
...even most activists willingly and counterproductively genuflect at the altar of profit margins. Just like mainstream folks they deride, many if not most radicals parrot homilies passed down to them by their corporate commissars. Capitalism, we’re conditioned to believe, may need the occasional tweak and sometimes an overhaul, but hey, it’s better than anything else out there!

Prices may be controlled, wages can be raised, products might be made to last longer, etc. etc. etc. -- but what all this ignores is that capitalism = ecocide.

.... It's all about design.
To be an anti-capitalist is not rocket science as Mickey Z. argues. He lays out all the simple and obvious reasons why we must end capitalism. He concludes by confronting us with this ultimate choice:
Which side are you on, comrades? The future is waiting on your decision.