Wednesday, April 29, 2015

NBC’s Conduct in Engel Kidnapping Story is More Troubling than the Brian Williams Scandal

Click here to access article by Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept.

Greenwald reveals the extraordinary lengths that Empire propagandists currently go to justify their wars and sponsorship of terrorism in support of their imperial interests. Here he reports on another use of a false-flag event to promote the overthrow of the Syrian Assad government. What is most shocking is that they recruited journalists to do it.
In December 2012 — as the pro-intervention cause was strengthening — a group of five journalists working for NBC News, including its star international reporter Richard Engel, was kidnapped inside Syria. They were held for five days, threatened with death, treated inhumanely, and forced to record a video in which Engel was made to call for an end to U.S. involvement in Syria. Scrawled on the walls of the room where the video was recorded was graffiti of pro-Assad messages along with well-known Shiite references.

The obvious intent was to make it appear that these NBC journalists had been kidnapped and mistreated by Shiite forces associated with Assad.