Thursday, May 21, 2015

And the War Just Keeps on Comin'

Click here to access article by Phillip A. Farruggio from World News Trust.

The author suggests reading Orwell's 1984 as an antidote to a current war propagandist. He ends his passionate anti-war, anti-propaganda essay with this conclusion: 
As our cities crumble, both economically and physically, and more of us working stiffs are struggling to make ends meet... folks wake up! The enemy is not just those crazies in the Middle East that our Shock and Awe campaign helped ISIS to recruit. NO, the real enemy is greed and the quest for total dominance that, sadly, our empire is guilty of... As well as all the political and business leaders of all the nations of this tired and beaten down planet.

Many good souls I know who agree with this writer keep talking of Revolution. No! What we need is Realization first, and then Rejection of the processes that allow the status quo. Not an easy task for all working stiffs worldwide, but...
But, doesn't ending "the processes that allow the status quo" mean that we have to start talking about revolution? What do you, Phillip Farruggio, want us to do, sign another petition? Vote more Democrats into office for the "Change We Can Believe In"? I've signed thousands of petitions throughout my life and things have steadily gotten worse. And, I've long lost any illusions about electing left-wing capitalists, aka Democrats.