Tuesday, May 19, 2015

FBI’s warning of white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement nearly forgotten

Click here to access article by  Samuel V. Jones from the grio.
Because of intensifying civil strife over the recent killings of unarmed black men and boys, many Americans are wondering, “What’s wrong with our police?” Remarkably, one of the most compelling but unexplored explanations may rest with a FBI warning of October 2006, which reported that “White supremacist infiltration of law enforcement” represented a significant national threat.
I can't help but think that right-wing hate groups were welcomed, even intentionally recruited, into police forces for the past decade, and the FBI document that was issued back in 2006 was designed to "cover their asses". I've spent 20 minutes this morning trying to find some link to a media article reporting this warning in 2006, and I failed.

Meanwhile, we read about another police murder of an African American in this report entitled "How Did a 26-Year-Old Iraq War Veteran Die Serving a 2-Day Jail Sentence?".