Friday, May 22, 2015

Matt Taibbi on Democracy Now: Banks Admit to Crimes, Pay $5 Billion, And Still No One Goes to Jail

Click here to access article by Yves Smith from Naked Capitalism.

As we learn of another white cop shooting unarmed African-Americans suspected of shoplifting some cartons of beer, we also learn about another example of banksters robbing the entire economy with impunity. The banks merely pay fines which do not appear to function as a deterrent to discourage further bankster crimes. Many keen observers see this as very similar to a mafia style "protection racket": banks pay the fines and their banksters go free to commit more crimes. The banks' reactions? Oh, but it's just a case of a few bad apples.

The article exposes the lies of former Attorney General Eric Holder, one of the ruling class's favorite "house niggers", who promised with great fanfare in February that his Dept. of Justice would be prosecuting banksters for their crimes.