Wednesday, May 27, 2015

No Climate Protection without Climate Justice; No Climate Justice without Degrowth

Click here to access article by Christiane Kliemann from degrowth (Germany).

And as the German author apparently argues, there can be no "degrowth" without ending the capitalist system and rule by capitalists.
To be able to successfully develop a different type of growth, the countries of the South will require their fair share of the global resources and emissions – which must be much more than the leftovers of the rich North. By consequence the Global North will have to drastically reduce its emissions and resource exploitation. This is, however, impossible within the framework of continuous capitalist economic growth. ....

...we can’t simply rely on technological progress without overhauling the whole economic, social and political environment this progress is embedded in. As many examples in history show, purely technological solutions tend to relocate their negative effects to other sectors, ecosystems or continents, or from the present to the future.
However, I'm not so sure she means this. Maybe like Naomi Klein she thinks that we can simply regulate capitalism better so that we don't have continuous growth.