Monday, May 18, 2015

Obama Gave Up on Ukraine, Press Simply Ignored It [updated commentary]

Click here to access article by Eric Zuesse from Real Independent News & Film.

Last week at a press conference in Sochi, Russia Sec. of State Kerry was asked this question:
Mr. Kerry, you’ve said several times that Minsk agreements is the best way to proceed to settle the Ukraine conflict. What can you say about what Mr. Poroshenko said when talking to the representatives of Kyiv army when he said that they are going to gain back the Donetsk airport?
To which he answered:
Well, thank you very much. I have not had a chance – I have not read the speech. I haven’t seen any context. I have simply heard about it in the course of today. But if indeed President Poroshenko is advocating an engagement in a forceful effort at this time, we would strongly urge him to think twice not to engage in that kind of activity, that that would put Minsk in serious jeopardy. And we would be very, very concerned about what the consequences of that kind of action at this time may be.
Even though the Russian media ignored this remark, Zuesse makes the claim that it announces a significant about face in US backing of Kiev's aggression in eastern Ukraine. "The Saker" in his article of last week mentioned without reference to any documentation that Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland, who was the architect of the Kiev regime, "refused to speak to the press and left looking rather unhappy."

Well, I read Saker's article also and like him and the Russian media I didn't know how serious this rather off-hand remark was. It's puzzling the way the Obama administration and media are supporting the Minsk II agreement. Although the US was not a party to the agreement, they are now expressing support for it by issuing statements casting doubts that Russia will abide by it. See this and this. At the same time, the Obama administration have been sending military supplies and US soldiers to train Ukrainian troops. And, clearly Ukrainian officials have not gotten the message. See this and this. So, what do you think?

Further thoughts on 5/19/2015 8:30 AM Seattle time: I think the reason that every media--not only Western media--as well as most political observers ignored Kerry's statements and other propaganda statements is simply because they have had much more experience with Western leaders and Western imperialism than has Draitser. They know that Kerry was speaking with a "forked tongue" as Native Americans would put it. 

Regarding the departure of the "wicked witch of the West", Victoria Nuland, from the media event, she was likely expressing her scorn for Kerry's attempt to reassure the Russians while lying to them.

Think about. If you know someone who is a chronic liar and con man, do you not tend to look at their behavior to determine their intentions rather than believe what they say?