Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ramadi and America’s Fracturing of Iraq

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from Stop Imperialism. 

Draitser also supports independent journalist Pepe Escobar's apt label for the US-led capitalist Empire as being an Empire of Chaos in the sense that their policies intentionally promote chaos. Together with the cultivation of sect rivalries, the Empire and its head-chopping allies support terrorist armies in order to promote their objective of political fragmentation of the area, a favorite imperial policy of "divide and conquer".
Since the US campaign against the group in Iraq began, there have been countless media reports of US weapons and supplies falling directly into the clutches of ISIS, succoring it at precisely the time that it has suffered heavy losses at the hands of Shiite militias in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah across the border in Syria. As Naeem al-Uboudi, the spokesman for one of the main groups fighting ISIS in Tikrit told the NY Times, “We don’t trust the American-led coalition in combating ISIS… In the past, they have targeted our security forces and dropped aid to ISIS by mistake.”

This fact is critical to understanding the true motivation of Washington in this campaign, namely inflicting maximum damage on both ISIS and Shiite militias fighting it. In effect, this ‘controlled chaos’ strategy promotes and extends, rather than concludes the war.