Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Saker interview with Jeff J. Brown

Click here to access article featuring a Saker interview with Jeff Brown posted on Saker's website, A bird's eye view of the Vineyard.
...now it is all very clear to me. Western colonialism, false flags and color revolutions have never stopped since 1492. The methods and instruments of destabilization, exploitation and resource extraction have simply adapted. Empire, with its capitalism, war and fascism, is a three-headed Hydra, and it is insatiable.

There is a titanic struggle for the soul of humanity, our survival as a species into the 21st century, and it is Western Empire versus China, Russia, BRICS, ALBA CELAC and NAM. It is Xi, Putin, Maduro, Castro, Correa, Kirchner, Zuma, Afwerki and all the hundreds of world leaders the West has assassinated or deposed, versus Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel, Abe and their thousands of satraps in the hallowed hall of imperial power.
I've spent all morning on this rather lengthy interview being totally mesmerized by Brown's observations and impressed by his life experience. While reading this, I've wondered how I have missed his writing. I then did a search on my website and discovered that I did post another article of his back in February and rated it a "best post". Why I did not follow up with his subsequent articles from his website is a complete mystery to me. This time I will not fail to do so.

Because my knowledge and understanding is so weak regarding China's rise on the world stage using capitalist machinery governed by the Chinese Communist party, such articles as this help satisfy a ravenous appetite for such knowledge. China since Mao's rule has been a complete mystery to me. Combining a Communist Party with a capitalist engine has always seemed like an impossible feat and loaded with contradictions that would soon likely devolve into complete capitalist control and all that such a development implies. I'm still not convinced otherwise, but I continue to be impressed with China's leadership, and this interview by such a fascinating author has greatly amplified this impression.