Monday, June 8, 2015

Abrupt Climate Change and The Failure of Democracy

Click here to access article by Christopher Black from New Eastern Outlook.
The deadly and destructive effects of abrupt climate change continue to be felt across the planet and still the response of national governments is to do nothing except issue press releases expressing sympathy for the victims and empty promises of local aid.
This Canadian author and international criminal lawyer is a genuine humanitarian in contrast to directors in the ruling capitalist classes who use humanitarian concerns to justify military operations against other countries. In this article he expresses concerns about the lack of any serious effort on the part of governments to do anything about climate change. However, due to his thorough indoctrination in the capitalist ideology of liberalism, he seems to be totally confused as to the reasons for the "failure of democracy" to do anything effective. He confuses the ideology of capitalism with the inherent dynamics of the system which requires growth to exist.