Tuesday, June 23, 2015

China Syndrome

Click here to access article by Mike Whitney from CounterPunch.

Whitney doesn't just rely on statements of government officials or would-be government officials, but he astutely goes to the real power centers where the operatives of the ruling capitalist class reside and decide--NGOs like Center for a New American Security and real "deciders" like Kurt M. Campbell and ruling class operatives like Ashton Carter. After doing so, it becomes clear that the US pivot to Asia like its counterpart in Europe to contain Russia will emphasize military intimidation. Of course, the Trans-Pacific Partnership which excludes China is another weapon aimed at China's rising economic power. However, with the US and China joined at the hip economically speaking, it seems that directors of the US Empire are addicted primarily to the use of military force to contain China and maintain their hegemony over the world. 

Whitney like Pepe Escobar and William Engdahl seems almost gleeful at the prospects of the demise of the US Empire and the rise of another empire. This is somewhat understandable given the destruction and chaos that has been imposed on the world by the reigning hegemon, but why welcome another empire? Can we expect any substantial difference from others who possess overwhelming power to decide the fate of the vast majority of the world? Haven't humans learned that class rule whether a capitalist class rule or a nominal "communist" bureaucratic class (who rule over capitalist enterprises) cannot create a peaceful world where equality exists? and cannot create economies which are sustainable within our limited natural world? 
There it is, eh? The end of one empire and the beginning of another.

China’s leaders aren’t going to blow their big chance by getting sucked into a costly and pointless war with the United States.  That’s ridiculous. They’re going to keep plugging away until the Silk Road becomes a reality.