Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dystopia Now: Beyond the Real Time Catastrophe of Capital

Click here to access article by Paul Street from CounterPunch.

Initially Street reports on an editorial by a conservative NY Times columnist which I largely skipped over to find some real cogent observations about the catastrophe of capitalism that is occurring right now--and it will only get worse. I found these observations beginning in the next section subtitled "'Successful Modernity': The Present is Stranger Than Dystopia".
Who thinks anymore that the U.S-of American “argument” between “liberalism [translate: the Democrats] and conservatism [translate: the Republicans]” (both of which are aligned with corporate plutocracy, global U.S. Empire, and eco-cide against democracy, social justice and the common good) marks “the great argument of our time? (Try democracy and the common good versus the unelected and interrelated dictatorships money and empire or, more simply, the people versus the ruling classes.)