Friday, June 12, 2015

Greece: The return of ERT and its role to the class war

Click here to access article from the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens. (This is a followup post to this Wednesday's post entitled "One really crucial date in the Greek battlefield". ERT is a Greek abbreviation for what is roughly analogous to PBS in the US, although it appears to be much more professionally operated.)
The return of people in ERT who never gave up fight after the "black" [blackout?] on June 11 of 2013, shows that the government is determined to restore democratic legality, which was abolished two years ago. However, it is also a signal to the lenders that it will not tolerate mass layoffs practices. Tsipras' presence in ERT headquarters yesterday was of high meaning. [Also see this, and this and this for the latest updates on the Greek default issue.]