Thursday, June 18, 2015

How the Pentagon plans to defeat Eurasia and roll out Robotic Warfare

Click here to access article by Andrew Korybko from Oriental Review. (Korybko is an American political analyst and journalist for Sputnik who currently lives and studies in Moscow.)
Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work expounded upon the US’ military strategy in Eurasia during a speech at the Army War College Strategy Conference on 8 April, revealing critical insight into the Pentagon’s formal approach to forthcoming conflicts. Work’s words should be read in full by any strategist endeavoring to understand the imperatives that guide the world’s most armed forces. He elaborates on the theoretical foundations of American military might, including how the Pentagon plans to counter the three types of wars supposedly being waged by Iran, Russia, and China.
The US military and, from all appearances, the directors of the US Empire are intending to counter the rise of China and Russia, independent actors on the world stage that threaten their hegemony, by military means. This likely could mean a devastating nuclear conflagration. The ruling directors appear to be stuck in 20th century thinking. And it seems that most of my fellow Americans are fast asleep or busy shopping in the malls across the US.

Read this and the following segment if you wish to learn more about what our masters' plans are to upgrade their weapons of mass destruction to insure their dominance in the world.