Monday, June 1, 2015

‘Modest changes to US Patriot Act left major problems unresolved’

Click here to access an interview with Kevin Zeese from RT.
Kevin Zeese: [Yesterday] the Senate basically decided to go forward with the USA Freedom Act, which will make some modest changes to the Patriot Act. The main change will be that the metadata will no longer be stored by the federal government or the NSA, rather it will be stored by the telephone companies, and then if the NSA wants to get access, they have to apply, and get a warrant from a judge to do so.
I've spent considerable time this morning trying to find out information on the new "USA Freedom Act" which the Empire's corporate-controlled Congress is substituting for the illegal Patriot Act which they let expire midnight last night. I've found that Zeese provides what I believe to be the best succinct summary of this new Orwellian-named law. 

This morning I mostly found left-wing capitalists, also known as "liberals", extolling the bravery of Sen. Rand Paul who I suspect is playing to the media by opposing key sections of the Patriot Act which have already been determined to be unconstitutional by a Federal District Court judge

So, how does a fascist regime pretending to be a nation of laws and democracy do in such a situation? They merely plan to pass another law, the "USA Freedom Act", which circumvents the Constitution by outsourcing the collection of phone records to telecommunication corporations and throw in a provision for easily obtained court orders. All the left-wing capitalists and phony socialists like Bernie Sanders who vote for it are happy. So now when we think of government spying on its citizens, we will associate this with "freedom".