Saturday, June 27, 2015

Savings Pools: Opting Out of the Banskters’ Money System

Click here to access article by Stuart Jeanne Bramhall from her blog The Most Revolutionary Act.

Bramhall is a political refugee who fled from Seattle to New Zealand after extensive FBI harassment. Her "crimes" stemmed from her support of local African-American projects and, probably most decisively, intimate relations with African-Americans. This was red-meat to the racist FBI especially back in the 1980s.

It's nice to offer some constructive ideas to wean ourselves off services provided by ruling class institutions. She provides a brief description of a banking and lending arrangement that exists in New Zealand, her new home.
One way I’m opting out out of the debt-based Wall Street banking system, is by joining a local interest-free savings pool. A group of neighbors is investing their savings in a savings pool – rather than a bank – and to use the savings pool to loan money to one another. We’re using a model designed by the (New Zealand-based) Living Economies Trust.