Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Dark Saudi-Israeli Plot to Tip the Scales in Syria

Click here to access article by Conn Hallinan from Foreign Policy in Focus.
A quiet meeting this past March in Saudi Arabia, and a recent anonymous leak from the Israeli military, set the stage for what may be a new and wider war in the Middle East.
From having lived in the Bay Area for about 20 years, I am familiar with the long radical Irish clan legacy of the Hallinans. This retired professor and independent journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area has provided what I believe to be a valuable analysis of the inter-Arab conflicts among the anti-Syrian coalition consisting mainly of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. It now appears that Israel may be planning attacks against Lebanon to draw Hezbollah fighters away from Syria which could tip the balance of forces in the Syrian conflict. 

The Israeli leadership must be rejoicing over the ongoing machinations and killings between Muslim sects. Have you noticed that the dramatic arrival of the terrorist army of ISIS has not in any way posed a threat to Israel? In fact Israel has been known to treat members of affiliated jihadi groups with medical aid.