Saturday, June 20, 2015

The partition of 'Syraq'

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from RT
With less than two weeks before a possible nuclear deal being struck between Iran and the P5+1, the brinkmanship across the “wilderness of mirrors” of Middle Eastern intel is reaching fever pitch. Spin reigns supreme. And nothing is what it seems.
Here in the US today, "nothing is [truly] what it seems". And, I'm not just referring to the Middle East, but most of life. The assault on what the American people believe has never been so thorough than it is today. It's truly a ruling class propaganda version of "full-spectrum dominance" over the minds of its citizens. Thanks to independent journalists like Pepe Escobar, I can maintain some semblance of sanity while living in the lunatic asylum that life in the US has become.