Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Toxic algae bloom might be largest ever

Click here to access article by Sandi Doughton from The Seattle Times.

Here in the Pacific Northwest we are seeing symptoms of global warming.
Scientists suspect this year’s unseasonably high temperatures are playing a role, along with “the blob” — a vast pool of unusually warm water that blossomed in the northeastern Pacific late last year. The blob has morphed since then, but offshore waters are still about two degrees warmer than normal, said University of Washington climate scientist Nick Bond, who coined the blob nickname.
Also the Oregonian out of Portland, Oregon is reporting on the same algae bloom in this article entitled "Biggest-ever toxic algal bloom hits West Coast, shutting down shellfish industries". 

And I've found other articles indicating that this is happening in many parts of the world. For example, see this from southeast Pacific island of Tonga.