Thursday, July 16, 2015

But, but, bin Laden died in 2001, didn't he??!

Click here to access article by Nafeez Ahmed from his blog The Cutting Edge.

In reference to his investigations entitled "The bin Laden death mythology" which he published earlier this month, he writes:
I've had a few people raise questions about my story - now the third major alternative account of the bin Laden raid - due to early reports suggesting that bin Laden had in fact died long before 2011.

My piece does address this issue indirectly, though it's buried some way deep in the piece and easy to miss given the length.

Here I'm going to make some brief comments about this issue, to clarify the relationship between my story, and the idea that bin Laden died much earlier due to ill health.
Indeed, judging by the numerous previous reports of bin Laden's death, it's fair to say that he died something like nine times, if not more.