Saturday, July 25, 2015

China’s NGO Law: Countering Western Soft Power and Subversion

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from New Eastern Outlook.

Draitser reports on how China in addition to Russia is countering the Empire's subversive use of NGOs to create destabilizing societal effects. Predictably Empire agents are raising a howl of protests over what they frame as civil and human rights oppression. Much of the rest of the article explains why the Chinese government has passed a law restricting the operations of foreign-funded NGOs.
...amid all the hand-wringing about human rights and democracy, what is conveniently left out of the narrative is the simple fact that foreign NGOs, and domestic ones funded by foreign money, are, to a large extent, agents of foreign interests, and are quite used as soft power weapons for destabilization. And this is no mere conspiracy theory as the documented record of the role of NGOs in recent political unrest in China is voluminous. It would not be a stretch to say that Beijing has finally recognized, just as Russia has before it, that in order to maintain political stability and true sovereignty, it must be able to control the civil society space otherwise manipulated by the US and its allies.